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Most Commonly Used Over The Counter Drugs

Some of the most commonly abused over the counter drugs include: Commonly Abused Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications Over-the-Counter Medicines DrugFacts | National Institute Commonly Abused Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications 30 Top-Selling Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs in the US Examples include human (non-analog) insulin, emergency contraceptives, and pseudoephedrine . Restricted OTC products are commonly referred to as behind-the-counter (BTC) drugs, a classification first approved by the U.S. Congress in 1984. Some of the most commonly abused over the counter drugs include: Dextromethorphan (DXM) Ephedrine Caffeine pills Laxatives Pseudoephedrine The most common sources of abused DXM are "extra-strength" cough syrup, tablets and gel capsules. OTC medications that contain DXM often also contain antihistamines and decongestants.

DXM may be swallowed in its original form or may be mixed with soda for flavor, called "robo-tripping" or "skittling." Users sometimes inject it. Final fun fact #5: Lactulose is used for hepatic encephalopathy as well. Win-win. There you go. My semi-condensed version of what you could use for relief. Dextromethorphan (DXM), a cough suppressant, and loperamide, an anti-diarrheal, are the two most commonly abused OTC medications, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Both of these medications are opioids, and. Bisacodyl (Correctol, Dulcolax), calcium docusate (Colace, Surfak), and Senna (Ex-lax, Senokot) are the most commonly available medicine. Laxative dependence is a problem that may occur with laxative use; use of these drugs continually over one week indicates the individual should seek medical advice. If you are like most people, when you think of the meaning of the term “drug abuse” you probably picture someone using illegal “street” drugs such as methamphetamines, heroin, or cocaine. If you are thinking a little outside the box,. Over-the-counter medications for colds and cough are some of the most over-abused drugs. One of the active ingredients in cold syrup is DXM, also known as Dextromethorphan. It is a fairly safe ingredient when used in the recommended dose but is dangerous at high levels. DXM has become a popular street drug because it results in euphoria in high doses. Dextromethorphan is a common ingredient in over-the-counter cold and cough medicines -- it helps stop the cough. But large doses can get you high and cause hallucinations. It's popular among teens,... Over-the-counter drug Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs are medicines sold directly to a consumer without a requirement for a prescription from a healthcare professional, as opposed to prescription drugs, which may be supplied.

Most Commonly Used Over The Counter Drugs

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